Holly’s Spotlight Interview

Tuesday, 16 April 2013 with Phyllis Jenkins
Publisher/CEO, Powerful Journey Magazine

PJ: How did you come up with the name The Cracked Pot?

Holly: I saw a cracked pot in a dream. I want to share a little of what was going on which led to this symbol in a dream. I came from a very capable family. I was searching for my own strengths and significance. I began comparing myself with my sister. She was a brilliant scholar who ended up being a lawyer, chief counselor, and vice president of her company. I picked the wrong person to try to pattern myself after; I guess you would say we had a case of sibling rivalry, vying for our parents’ attention.

I married without resolving this jealousy because I knew I loved my sister. I didn’t know at the time you cannot love someone completely when you are competing with them. When my husband, Alan and I went to counseling for the issues we brought into our marriage, God began orchestrating dreams to hasten the healing process. I didn’t recognize any of the symbols in our dreams at the time or know that God still used dreams today. I had memorized the verse in Hebrews 13:8 which said, Jesus Christ is the same today and yesterday and forever. Our counselor was familiar with dreams. He was a pastor and psychologist and recognized many of the symbols. He told us to bring our dreams to each session and with God’s help he would interpret them.

I brought a dream the next week about a gift my sister, Jill, and I were giving our mother. Jill’s gift was a beautiful colorful vase. It was perfect. My gift to Mom was a cracked pot. The counselor said that the gifts represented each of us and two sides of our mother. Jill’s side was the perfect, capable, diligent side. My side was the flawed, deficient, marred part.  I didn’t like representing the flawed side of my mom and I doubt she liked relating to me either if it reminded her of her weakness. I found myself mad at God since He knew how insecure and inadequate I already felt.

Later, God confirmed my gift as a cracked pot. I won’t tell how because it would  spoil the mystery. You have to come hear the story. He did let me know that brokenness was good and part of my purpose in bringing good news to the weak. God often causes men and women to exhaust their reservoir of effort before He replaces it with his own ability.

As Paul said in II Cor. 12:9, His power is made perfect in our weakness.

PJ: What is your number one message to women?

Holly: Be yourself! Women need to recognize that the unique attributes they possess are part and parcel of the calling they must fulfill. Their individuality is inseparable from the role they perform in the kingdom.

Forgive and clear up all offenses even when they are not your fault.  As you do this, it will open up the way for your blessing. Cease striving to gain your spiritual inheritance; depend on God to fulfill His promise to you.  Wait for Him to give you a clear sense of the agenda He has for you. Once you have it, try to obey Him immediately. Obeying God will involve crucifying your flesh and the desires of the sinful nature. Remain humble and believe that the difficulties you face are essential to your preparation.

Remember to praise Him for what He’s doing.

“Lord, you establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished you have done for us.” (Is. 26:12 NIV)

PJ:  What is the most courageous thing you have done to move forward in Living in Your Purpose?

Holly: Taking care of my mother- in- law for seven years. We returned from living in Kansas City for two years with complete failed expectations from a ministry venture. Upon our return, we were unable to find a house to rent in our preferred geographic location, and the deadline for school enrollment forced our family to quickly make the decision to move in with my husband’s mom for the summer. His father had recently died, and there was plenty of available room in the house. Unfortunately, what followed was a succession of orthopedic surgeries culminating in a broken neck, and near paralysis for her. Her care necessitated my undivided and selfless attention; something I was reluctant to agree to. Nevertheless, I was to be the primary caregiver, despite my lack of interest or experience in nursing the aged. My own dream was on the altar along with my discomfort in my circumstances. This was the training God was using that transformed me in the process and that I share today. In the end, God used me to profoundly alter the events of my mother-in-law’s life, completely changing her perspective at 86 years of age and influencing my whole family.

PJ: How was your ‘Hidden Voices Ministry’ born?

Holly:  I started a speaking group in my church to help instruct others how to speak their testimony. I wanted to help them find their voice and get over any intimidation to speak. I did this totally in faith because I was afraid of public speaking myself. I believed God was saying that it was time to tell my story. Rather than focusing on my lack of ability to do it; I figured we could all practice together. I found all the scriptures in the Bible which illustrated how God gave Moses, Paul, and other Bible characters the ability to do what he was calling them to do regardless of their ability. Even though our stories were only 5-10 minutes long each month, I often could not sleep the night before because of my fear of failure. I think it actually helped the group to know I was a vulnerable novice like many of them. We would learn together. God gave me a simple format to help draw out these stories. We first began sharing in a relaxed way like we were having coffee and catching up with a best girlfriend. These ladies had incredible testimonies of their journey with the Lord. As a result, I started a ministry in 2009 called Hidden Voices to help women strengthen their voice, gain confidence, and find their place of service.

PJ: As you can see, Holly Smith is an amazing woman with an incredible testimony and ministry. She would be a great assett to your Women’s Groups, retreats, seminars, workshops, etc. Here’s how you can contact Holly:


Facebook/Twitter @yourhiddenvoice






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