Hi, I’m Holly. Welcome to my site! I’m so glad you’re here.

  • Anointing Your Weakness

    Anointing Your Weakness

    God wants to anoint your weakness. That way we know it was impossible for us to do and God gets all the glory! My grace is sufficient for you for My power is made perfect in our weakness. (2 Cor. 12:9)Examples: 1. Saul to Paul – “Jesus came to save sinners of whom I am…

  • Entering Rest and the Promises of God

    Entering Rest and the Promises of God

    One day as Alan and I were walking around the block in our neighborhood we noticed a man from a mowing service mowing a neighbor’s yard. He stopped his mower and pointed at us as we walked by and in a loud voice yelled, “I see the rest of God on you according to Hebrews…

  • A Special Lady

    A Special Lady

    I was putting on my makeup this morning when I turned to get my hair dryer and a small soap dish was knocked to the ground and shattered. I carefully picked up the pieces as the dish had been on display at my mother’s house and I wasn’t ready to let it go…I felt a…

  • The Road Less Travelled

    The Road Less Travelled

    By Alan Smith We recently travelled to Texas to visit friends and family and receive hormone therapy. We were aware of looming weather conditions that might hamper our return trip to Kansas City, but threw caution to the wind, as I-35, our primary route, is rarely closed. We will figure it out later, in other…

  • Honoring Grandaddy

    Honoring Grandaddy

    I was reading in the Bible this morning and came across this verse in Philippians 2:4 Look not only to your own interests but to the interests of others.  This verse was definitely my granddad’s theme. He was the oldest of six boys. When his parents died early; one from typhoid fever and the other five…

  • Where is your Treasure?

    Where is your Treasure?

    Not until we returned to Texas from living in Kansas City for 2 years did we notice a lot of the people in Texas had the same bondage we formerly had of acquiring things to anesthetize themselves and avoid their issues. There seemed to be a spirit of materialism over Texas compared to the tradition…

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