Identifying with Joseph

What works God has called you to do are impossible to do in your own strength. God is preparing you for ministry. He is still fulfilling His promise to you. He has to make you strong and mature to withstand the pressures of the world.

Just like in the life of Joseph, after he dreamed of his family bowing down to him, what happened immediately after? God began training Joseph’s character to fulfill this great call. He was thrown down in the pit by his brothers, sold to Egypt, and eventually thrown in prison because of the false accusation of Pharaoh’s wife. Instead of giving up, he continued to minister while in prison. He interpreted the baker’s and butler’s dreams which proved accurate. When a new Pharaoh came into power who didn’t know Joseph and had a dream that needed interpreting, the baker finally remembered him and told the Pharaoh.

So what was God accomplishing in Joseph? Humble obedience, leadership in managing the prison, faith to continue believing God’s promise, keeping the right motive and forgiveness in his heart to eventually help his own family in famine who had betrayed him. Then after all this, he became second in charge of all of Egypt! He had been very misunderstood…God brought compassion and love for his family despite their treatment of him. He passed all his tests to not have pride or revenge when his family actually did bow to him, not recognizing him initially when they appeared in Egypt asking for help.

Have you felt misunderstood by family or friends? Have you been tested in these areas? Can you continue to believe in God’s promises for you and believe you are being trained to fulfill them in God’s strength? May I pray for you?

Lord, I believe there is a Joseph in every family. They may feel misunderstood, thrown in some type of confinement, and undergoing testing in their character. Help us to be strong in You and in Your mighty power. Help us remember our suffering produces perseverance; perseverance character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because You have poured out Your love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit. (Romans 5:3-5) Amen






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