I’ve Been Changed! Song by William McDowell

Heard a worship song one weekend on a volunteer prison ministry trip that impacted me deeply. The words went like this: “I’ve been changed, healed, freed, delivered! I’ve found joy, peace, grace, and favor. I can’t go back, I won’t go back to the way it used to be before Your presence came and changed me. I’ve been changed! I’ve been changed!
A tall girl at the assembly began signing to this song. The leader pointed her to the front to lead us. I cannot accurately describe with words the impact the Holy Spirit made through this woman. Throwing her hands up showing she couldn’t go back to her old ways and how the Presence above changed her. Why? Because you could see from her countenance and motions what she had to go through to experience freedom from shame, guilt, sins. The pain turned to joy and a transformation and gratitude you could taste. She was declaring by her actions-do you get it? I am different, I am no longer the same!
What an awakening to witness afresh that God’s spirit is alive and He is in the transformation business. I am so grateful that we have been given access into His throne of grace at any time-what a privilege! I don’t want to squander that opportunity by being distracted or in a rut just going through the motions of life. Are you alive, changed, healed, delivered? Don’t let this moment pass you by. No more chains, our past is over! Sins forgiven. Right now is the moment.
Each of us has the opportunity to affect our fellow brothers and sisters. Are you fanning your gift into flame, allowing Christ to live through you? Are you stirring yourself up in the Holy Spirit or just going through the routines of life?
Arise, shine for your light has come! Wake up, He’s alive! Draw near.
God bless this nameless, humble woman for illustrating her testimony and bringing a touch of heaven to us! I’ve been changed! And I won’t go back, can’t go back, to the way it used to be before His presence came and changed me…






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