Four Strongholds to Pull Down for Restoration

woman-571715__340“O God, do not keep silent; be not quiet, O God, be not still. See how your enemies are astir and rear their heads? Make them like Oreb and Zeeb, all their princes like Zebah and Zalmunnah who said, Let us take possession of the of the pasturelands of God.” (Psalm 83:1-2, 11-12.)

Wow, that was a coincidence to read that in Psalm 83! I had just been reading in Judges 6-8 about Gideon killing these princes and kings of the Midianites. They had taken over the land, ruined the Israelites’ crops, and killed his brothers.

As I pondered these enemies who had tried to take possession of God’s land, I asked for clues in how to pray for someone’s deliverance that I was perplexed about. What strongholds shall I pray against and help them get free? I paused and heard a whisper, “Pray against the Midianite leaders Gideon slayed!”
Excited, I ran home to look up the meaning of the their names.

Oreb-in Hebrew means raven. This word symbolized to me a death spirit. Like a vulture, the raven circles overhead looking for something dead to eat. It may also indicate a negative outlook and depression.

Zeeb-means wolf, head. I knew from my dream symbols that a wolf like a fox represented cunning, intellect; the tendency to introspect or go inward to logically figure something out (head). My pastor had said just last Sunday not to eat from the tree of knowledge because you could get caught up in your own thoughts rather than coming into God’s presence to be led by the spirit.

Zebah-means victim. The person I was praying for carried a victim mentality or self-pity about his situation. The Lord says we can’t be a victim and more than a conqueror at the same time.

Zalmunnah- means protection refused. What is protection refused? Self-protection rather than having God as our refuge and defense. Yes, that fit this person also. How many of us have been hurt and put up walls of self protection to keep pain out? The only problem is these walls keep God and others out at the same time. Basically, you are shut down and don’t feel anything. Embracing life involves a full range of emotions-joy and sadness.

What is my conclusion? These four enemies are trying to take possession of God’s pasturelands in us. I believe they attack more than just this individual I am praying for. If anyone identifies with these attacks, may I pray for you now also?

Lord, we thank you for this revelation of how to pray and ask that you would remove these enemies from our midst and from your land in the church and in each one of us.

You’ve given us divine weapons to demolish strongholds so we demolish any spirit of death, any darkness, negative outlook, or depression from our lives. We know you came to give us life abundant, joy, and an overcoming outlook to believe your promises and favor on our lives. Raise us from the dead by the power of your resurrection that we would bring life and hope to others. Help us to renew our minds by thinking on whatever is good, noble, and praiseworthy.

We demolish introspection and the tendency to go within ourselves for answers rather than inquiring for your guidance and being led by your spirit. We join our cognitive and intuitive sides of our brain to work in a complimentary, balanced fashion. Help us to become whole and derive our identity from you Jesus.

We want to be more than conquerors so we demolish any victim mentality or self-pity. We replace these strongholds with confidence that you are for us and working all things together for our good and we praise you in gratitude, taking every thought captive.

We also come against self-protection Lord and ask you to be our shield and great reward; that you would be the refuge we run to. Tear down the walls we may have erected to keep pain and hurt from us. Heal us of our wounds that we would choose life. Help us to risk living again, vulnerably and transparently, trusting in you to protect us from harm.

Help us Lord to be aware of these enemies and help us take back your pasturelands so your sheep can dwell in safety. May we enter into all that you plan and desire for us! In Jesus name. Amen






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