Word in Due Season: Advance and Seize

images-5Matt. 11:12 From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and the violent have been seizing it by force.

I asked for a word for 2017 and was impressed with two words, advance and seize. Matt. 11:12 uses both of these words. Has the kingdom of heaven been forcefully advancing in your life and are you ready to seize your inheritance? I believe that is the strategy God is giving in this hour.

Since we have learned to hear God’s voice and be led by the Holy Spirit, we see in scripture that often the directions are different each time. One time he might say, wait, don’t go up because you will be defeated, or go around and ambush the enemy or march around Jericho seven times and shout!

Could this word apply to more people than me this year? Where do you need to advance? What do you need to seize? Do you need to let your pastor or boss know what God has put in your heart to do and how you can serve as a light in your community? Do you need to move forward with the plan and vision God has put on your heart? Do you need to seize the land the enemy has kept from you way too long and receive deliverance and healing needed?

All these things are available to us. Often God is waiting on us to get over our own insecurities and believe he will be with us to defeat our enemies and step forward to do the task he has prepared for you. I challenge you with God’s leading to have no further procrastination, advance in this battle and seize all the territory God plans for you and your descendants.

Ps. 71:18 Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, my God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your mighty acts to all who are to come.

Nehemiah had to let the king know that his heart was broken for his homeland, Israel, and what God had put in his heart to do in rebuilding the walls that had been destroyed.

Not only do you need to give out what you’ve learned, but others are coming in your path whom God is connecting who need your exact message and wisdom. If either party does not engage, the message may be forever lost. This message  may have condensed the time it takes for them to reach their destiny. All the lessons in life are to be shared. We overcome by the word of our testimony! Ask the Lord who needs your message and then arise, shine, your light has come!






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