Words in due Season 11-16

images-8Here are the words I heard as I woke:

The oil is in your own house. I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten.  There are multitudes and multitudes in the valley of decision.

What do you have in your house? The widow had only a jar of olive oil that multiplied to pay off her debts and provide for she and her sons after her husband’s death.  Your oil is your own giftedness. God wants to restore you and use you to help bring the Good News to many.

Stand firm to see the deliverance of the Lord. I am strengthening you in authority where you will cast out the tormentors in others as you hate evil, discern their presence, and deliver my people from being violated by these evil spirits. Stay focused and love those I put in your path as the poor and rich alike need your help! I have equipped you by giving abundance in some seasons of your life and putting you through great need at other times. You are mine and will be an example and a standard for others to look to.






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