Life in the Spirit

images-1Is. 42:1 Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight. I will put My spirit on him and he will bring justice to the nations.

You are my witnesses; when I act, who can reverse it? I have chosen you and formed you and I knew all the crooked paths you would take until I had My way. You experienced My uplifted hand against you at times. A whole group of My people will be going into a desert season. They are blind to My ways but I have sent you ahead to show the way of obedience and to know I AM the only one who can make streams in the desert and connect my purposes and blessings to My people. Help My people surrender to Me and to life in the Spirit. I have great mysteries and treasure in store for those who choose My way. A great line of demarcation is being drawn right now! Help My people come to My side and defeat the enemies in their lives! I will go with you!






2 responses to “Life in the Spirit”

  1. Annie Avatar

    Really a good word. I think that might be an encouragement to people who don’t think they have a lot to offer or know what time it is.

  2. Holly Smith Avatar

    Thank you!! Yes, I agree

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