Divine Connections-Word in Due Season

images-15-2-16 Connection is what I am doing in this hour. There are people in your past, present, and future I will be connecting. Keep alert to when and how I will be doing this because these are divine connections, My connections, My timing. I want My Body to operate in the manifold wisdom of God and we need all present to come together and operate as one. Each part will strengthen another. I have a bold voice. I am unafraid-pray for the dead and hopeless to rise; blow fresh wind on these dry bones that My army may come forth fully strengthened and confident in Me. I make the weak strong. I hold the banner that can rally My troops to My Holy Mountain in this hour. Leave any differences behind as you keep your eyes on Me and My glory.

Arouse my soldiers to battle: to live fully, to thrive, and to reconcile with Me, others, and themselves in this hour. Unite for My cause and move the enemy out of My promised land for them!







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