Strategy with a “T”

images-1I was given an assignment this week to write a successful strategy using the letter T that has helped me take a vision or dream from beginning to end. I thought I would share it here too and apply it for anyone who wants to speak their testimony.

Teach truth transparently, with your own technique. Being yourself is your highest calling. You are the only one that can fulfill your mission.

Tell your story. Do not be terrified. Remember He who is in you is more powerful than he who is in the world. (I Jn. 4:4)

May you hear the cries of those who need your message louder than the cry of your own insecurities.

Spend time with the Lord. Come into His throne room for the topic He wants to speak through you. Transcend yourself so that He can transform His people.

Meditate on the Word day and night. Be like a tree planted by streams of water which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever she does prospers. (Ps. 1:3)

Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so a herald may run with it. (Hab 2:2) Someone needs to hear your story. You are passing the baton to the next generation. Talk about your lesson, tell others your testimony and all He has done for you. He will transport you to His promise as you wait for the Holy Spirit’s enablement.

Find an area to volunteer and practice or a speaking group with feedback and fan your gift into flame!

God will give many private victories before public ones. The circumstances in your path are your “bear and lion” training ground before you meet Goliath.

What you love is a guide to your gifting and influence. What you grieve over will be a clue to what you are to restore.

Give yourself away. The work is to believe. Pray for boldness. Your message will go out and it is up to God to make it grow and accomplish what He desires. Remember to give God the glory and thanks for using you as His messenger. You will live in triumph!






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