Let Go

images-1Did you know you are enriched in every way because of the testimony confirmed in you? (Eph. 3:1) It’s true! God is behind the scenes walking us through trials and turning them for our good. He is orchestrating circumstances in our paths to bring maturity. He knows our end from our beginning and just what we need. He gives us examples from His word of the very tests we may be encountering. Abraham offered his believed son on the altar, Jacob wrestled with God and acquired a new name and a limp, Joseph continued to serve even in prison, Naomi came alive when she was able to share her life experience with Ruth. All these examples inspire us to stay the course at strategic times in our lives.

God wants to free us but sometimes we want to live a safe, predictable, secure life. I call God’s process holy un-security because we are being unsecured from everything we thought brought stability to take his hand, trust Him with our loved ones, face our fears, and depend on Him.

You are unique. You have a story to tell and together as a body we make up a beautiful tapestry of God’s wisdom. The biggest contribution you can make is to be yourself. You have a part to play that no one else can.

I used to hear speakers talk about God changing their message at the last minute. What? “Don’t try that on me I thought. God, I want to stick to the script.” Then I would hear back, Don’t fear failing, go with the flow…

I learned that the the Holy Spirit, whom God sent, teaches us all things and reminds us of everything He has said to us. We are to walk by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, who writes His instructions on our hearts and minds now. This is risky business, trapeze time, holy un-security… God is prying our hands from all those things we think we need to feel secure, stable and have a predictable life. Because that is not faith. If He will teach us what we need to know and remind us of what we already know, how easy is that? All we have to do is follow. We don’t have to manage everything, make all the decisions. Let’s ask Him what we are to do. We’re so used to being self-reliant. Make the switch! Let’s walk by his spirit guiding us. We’ll sleep better at night.

Ephesians 6:19 says, “Pray that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given so that I may make known the mystery of the gospel, and declare it fearlessly as I should.”






2 responses to “Let Go”

  1. Margie Avatar

    Hey woman. I’ve been catching up on your posts recently and have been so utterly blessed! It is so gratifying to submerge myself in the fresh DEEP waters that flow from your pen and then to just flip on my back and float for a while. It is the most wonderfully bizarre thing to hear the roar of the Living Waters pounding and drowning the crazy worry filled chattering of the world while at the same time listening to His still small voice through still waters as I REST in the words He anointed you to write. Stay at it, Holly. You are giving a cup of cold water to drink in your scribing. It stirs, spurs, and refreshes all who read. Love you deeply.

  2. Holly Smith Avatar

    Love you Marge! Thanks for encouraging me and glad it hit home for you. Those are some beautiful descriptive words you wrote there with your pen sister!! XX

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