Fear or Faith

Have you found the pearl of great price? Matt.13:45 illustrates a comparison of the kingdom of heaven to a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it. That sounds like risky business to sell everything and bank on one pearl.

Similarly my husband and I have spent the last twenty years a bit torn between the worry of supporting ourselves and serving God’s people faithfully. I know we can do both but if God calls you to trust Him for provision and you keep hanging on to your usual source of income, it may begin to dry up to force the issue. The turning point came down to this question: Are you willing to shove all the chips to God’s side of the table for this one pearl? What is the pearl of great price?

Often I would get prayer for my husband at the altar after church when he suffered various ailments. A pastor commented one day, “Why does he want to be healed?” I answered, “I guess to feel better and to go on with his life in a normal way.” “No,” he replied, “you are healed to serve, to become God’s disciple, to no longer live your life for your own selfish pleasures.” Ohhh yeah…

One day I felt like the Lord was saying-”Come and follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” But Lord, what about this provision thing? I can’t see how this will work… I opened the Bible to Ps. 34:5, “Those who fear the Lord lack nothing.”

Years passed by and my husband was impressed that we have not really believed His promise to us. We confessed our doubt.

This Christmas was slim for us but very enjoyable with family and fellowship. The emphasis was no longer on gifts but God’s gift to us and the riches of relationship with Him. Somehow our previous fear of failure and financial struggles morphed into a greater desire to be fruitful in our latter years. We stood our ground against former anxieties and believed for supernatural provision from heaven. I feel like we are “moving” to a new place with the Lord believing His best for us. We are truly rich!

“I’ve found the pearl I’ve been searching for and am willing to sell everything to buy it!” What is that treasure? Jesus, He’s the pearl, He’s the source. He wants us to lose our ordinary lives to His cause; to love, heal, connect and encourage His people. He wants us to sell out-shove the chips over to His side and buy the pearl. The word says to always give yourself fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

A friend came by a few days before Christmas with an extravagant gift. She was expressing thanks for being her friend this year. I didn’t even realize I had helped her until she expressed her gratitude specifically. She mentioned praying about what to give me and felt a confirmation. She handed me a string of beautiful pearls.

Mind if I pray for us?
Lord, thank you for patiently waiting for us to commit fully to your plan and believe your promises and provisions from heaven. Help all of us grow in our love, belief and trust that you have our backs and have incredible plans for us as we serve and take risks when asked. Help us to drive out all our fears so that faith may dwell in each of us fully. Help each of us bring encouragement to all those who come in our paths. Thank you for sending your pearl of great price to save and redeem us. In Jesus name we pray, Amen






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