God’s School-The Desert

desert road
Jesus rebuked Peter in Matthew 16:23,“…you do not have in mind the things of God but the things of men.” Which do you have in mind? Are you prepared, equipped, toughened for the season ahead?

I had a problem. I was impatient to reach my destiny but the more impatient I became, the more God dragged his feet. I didn’t know that God was about to bring me into his conditioning school to educate me for my calling and eventual restoration. God brought me into the desert to speak tenderly to me, yes, but also to humble and test my heart. He used the very same program with the Patriarchs before they entered their Promised Land. They endured a season of difficulty that served to make them strong, firm, and steadfast.

The Hebrew definition for wilderness means place of the speaking. This is the place where you acquire the experiences to back up your beliefs and hear the Lord’s voice. I learned not to run from pain or trouble because when we face our trials and fears, they open us up for change and become an avenue to our freedom.

Jacob had to face his fears, doubts, motives of selfish ambition and striving. Have you ever struggled with any of these? He wrestled with the angel of God and hung on, (another good thing to do), until God blessed him with a new name but not before he received a limp that others could relate to. Why a limp? The limp is to remind us not to rely on ourselves but God.

Another major regeneration comes about in our thinking during this time. We learn we are no longer to lean on our own understanding or minds of reason. The Holy Spirit now writes God’s commands on our hearts and minds by His Spirit for each new situation in our lives. (Heb.10:16)

We must learn to hear His voice and obey by following His guidance because we have never been this way before. As we obey, we become all He intends us to be. We can expect a time of setting apart from the world. He plans to do amazing things among us as we enter our promised land to represent Him.

God’s tour of the desert taught me about the great exchange: His strengths for my weakness, releasing those I love to His care, trusting Him for provision, relying on His faith when mine runs out, and finally, giving Him all the glory.

How will this change your life? You will have a whole new perspective when you find that the very obstacles and troubling trials that bar your way at times become roads of opportunity, freedom, and hope for others. This transformation of thinking will increase your endurance to stay the course as you are being given the tools and weapons to fight the giants in your land.

Let’s ask God to help us learn the lessons of the desert and overcome obstacles in our paths so that we can be one of whom it is said,

“Who is this coming up out of the wilderness leaning on her Beloved?”(Song of Songs 8:5) And when God calls, you can confidently say,

“Send me!”






2 responses to “God’s School-The Desert”

  1. hollysmith Avatar

    Madeline says:

    Thank you Holly
    You allways seem to have a word in due season for me.
    Even al old as I am and as many times as I’ve seen God providing
    for us I still need reasuring that the Lord has our best waiting
    for us if only we obey and believe.

  2. hollysmith Avatar

    Thanks Madeline! Love you for responding. I will have another coming out soon that I hope will encourage you. I have a book coming out in two weeks so was behind on my blogging. Hope you and Paul are doing okay. love and hugs, Holly

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