Be yourself! Don’t be who you think you “should be”. Your highest calling is to be who God made you to be because when He goes looking for that one He has made for a certain task and He can’t find you because you are wearing a false mask, then He won’t have who He needs to carry out His mission.
Hang on to your courage and faith in this hour. It is a different time and cling to your hope. Christ in you IS your hope of glory. None of us can live the Christian life by our own efforts. There was only one perfect one and we must depend on Him to bring us into His promises. So cease striving, come into His rest, have faith, prayer, hope because hope will not disappoint us because the Holy Spirit will be poured out on us. Ladies, that’s what we need-we need the Holy Spirit’s empowerment. He is building our characters to house what he has for us. Your misery will become your message. He is building our perseverance.
One thing we must do in this hour: forgive whoever you need to forgive even if it is not your fault. If you have taken up an offense because someone has taken advantage or run over or hurt you, do your part in putting it back in their court. Confess your part that I have harbored resentment or been envious whatever it may be and leave it at that. God will bring opportunities through your humility to woo this person back to Him. He will clear your name so that you can take your place and come into your destiny. You don’t need to compare with anybody else because you are the only one that can do your mission. Be grateful for who God made you to be and the gifts He has given you. He wants to display you like his banner of victory as part of the manifold wisdom of God. You have a part to play in this united effort to defeat the enemy.
Finally, for those who give Him permission, He will break our own natural strength and will so we can come into perfect alignment with His. We will be more effective and fruitful and more beautifully reflect Him than before.
I saw a beautiful work of art in Santa Fe this last summer. It was a pot that had exploded in the potter’s hands as he formed it. The potter repaired it by glueing back together all the pieces shattered on the ground. Then he repainted, refired, restored and reassembled the pot. It was more beautiful and unique than ever before because it reflected the Maker’s skill. He wants to do that with each of us if we let Him. After seeing the beauty of the new pot, the potter purposely broke all the pots. He then repaired, repainted, refired, restored, and reassembled them to reflect Him more strongly and give Him glory. Will you give Him permission to use you for His highest purpose and fruitfulness? The miracle of multiplication did not happen before Jesus gave thanks and broke the bread.
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