Category: Featured

  • What did you go out in the desert to see?

    A reed swayed by the wind? (Luke 7:24 NIV) John the Baptist as a child grew and became strong in spirit; and he lived in the desert until he appeared publicly in Israel. (Luke 1:80) Solitude with God in the desert was his school. He gained the lessons and experiences needed to verify his beliefs, listened…


    First century Colosse was a melting pot of three main cultural streams. The Hellenists held a dualistic view that everything was either spiritual or material. Judaism had a rigid and puritanical outlook which sometimes led to a withdrawal from and condemnation of the world. The third stream was the local pagan, superstitious and occultic. As…

  • Promoted to Heaven

    A courageous friend died last week. He led many in prayer for healing and believed for his own healing to the end. And yet he was not healed. This fact brought questions and doubts to some around him. My girlfriend called to remind me of a scripture in Hebrews 11 where many heroes of the…

  • Dreams Unveiling the Language of Heaven

    Do your dreams frustrate you? Are you perplexed by the bizarre parade of characters and events that invade your sleep on occasion? Are you concerned you may have an unread letter from heaven stuffed with long awaited answer to prayer? Alan and I have written a dream book that just came out on Amazon or…

  • Embrace Your Suffering

    Going through some journals this morning I came across an old article in the newspaper from Dr. Laura Schlessinger. I know why I kept it as we have similar views on embracing suffering. I want to share some of her wisdom to encourage us. She had a radio program where callers would call in for…

  • Mannerisms and Quirky Things We Remember

    I lost my dad at the full age of 89 a few weeks ago. He must have had a slight stroke as his right side was weak and he could no longer walk so we took him to a facility after his hospital stay. We promised he could return home as soon as he could…