Dying to Performance

Ps. 147:10-11 “God takes no pleasure in the strength of the horse, nor does he delight in the legs of a man, but the Lord delights in those that fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.”

Romans 11:22 “Consider the kindness and sternness of God…”

God does not create anyone to achieve things in their own strength. On the contrary, at some point, he must demonstrate the total inadequacy of our efforts to please him by performance.

This is what is meant by the sternness of God: every disciple of Christ must, at some point, experience the sense of bitter failure that results as we try to please God, yet fail miserably. Our destiny is resurrection from dead works, which must by definition include the burial of a single seed in the dirt, a solitary death march to Golgatha, far from the applause of the multitudes.

Those three days in the tomb are the catalyst by which all people find the answers they so desperately sought as they petitioned God.

“If it dies, it produces many seeds.” submitted by lane-3797149__340alan smith






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