Radical Faith

Could God take a dream from long ago and make it come true after many years? Could everything that comes in your path truly mean something, well almost everything, and lead to a lesson and good end? What if we truly took God at His word or dream, believing Him beyond a shadow of a doubt? There is no telling how many mountains the power of a faith like that could move.
The last few weeks have proved interesting. I was given a real boost in my faith when an email plopped in my inbox. I was just pondering what I should get for my husband for his birthday since we were on a tight budget and his birthday was three days away. A book! But not just any book. One you could completely relate to and could have been your story only with a resoluteness to finish the work of believing and letting go. Let me explain. I’ve always thought of writing a book from “Riches to Rags” but hadn’t read anyone else who had. I know there are some things you can only discover as you scrape bottom financially and really depend on the Lord for provision. I still wondered does one ever come into their promised land of not worrying or striving to make ends meet?
The email that came reported what was trending in Twitter this week.
Kevin Adams @wakeupmyfaith.
If you’re struggling and want to see living proof of God’s goodness, I humbly believe our story can help.
As I hit the link to the book on Amazon, I read the title, “The Extravagant Fool, A Faith Journey Where Common Sense Ends”. Yes, right up our alley. I must get that book for my husband and me. The synapsis at the back of the book said,
“Despite all the pressures and debt when he lost everything-Kevin chose to rest at the feet of Jesus. Though it is a gamble to literally live by faith, the revelation of encountering God and hearing His voice of who we are and what we are made to do on this earth is worth it along with the financial provision to carry it out. He staked his welfare and future entirely on the goodness of God.”
After reading the book, I realize how relentless God is about men and women walking in their purpose. Perhaps the very reason you are not experiencing success might be because God is doing a new thing and we don’t perceive it. It dawned on us many times but especially last year when we went as a family to look at a few houses my husband was checking out for his boss who buys foreclosures. There was a horse in one of the front yards lying down. On closer inspection my son commented that its tongue was hanging out. It was a frigid morning and we suddenly realized it was dead. As we drove home, I turned to my husband and commented, “We’re beating a dead horse.” This career is dead for us but we don’t know what else to do. 61428_10201932424216005_209254127_n(Part II in the next post)






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