Standing on His Word


One morning my husband and I were musing over our past lives. He wondered, Where did I go wrong? Am I under a curse? He had just read Deuteronomy 28 about blessings and curses. My finances have not prospered and I am still battling infirmities in my body.

Watching the presbytery (leaders giving words of encouragement to the congregation) the previous night online, he witnessed all the glorious things many, even very young couples would do in acts of service. He recalled hearing many grand words and plans for himself years ago. Much of it had not been accomplished yet and a good part of his life had slipped by.

As I listened to his questions and ponderings, I felt impressed, What about Job, Abraham? Isn’t long suffering at times a part of the Christian life? The word says that we should not be surprised at the fiery ordeal we are going through as if something strange were happening to us. We are told to rejoice that we participate in the sufferings of Christ so that we may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. (I Peter 4:12-13)

We had prayed and broken many times any lineage curses we knew of and followed the Lord to the best of our ability. This wasn’t the time to take on any condemnation or doubt about our preparation or length of trials. In due time we will reap a harvest if we don’t give up, right?

The next morning a scripture dropped in my husband’s mind as he awoke. (Is. 49:2-11) As I read these verses, I was astounded how gracious and affirming the Lord is to a despairing son. He answered every question raised and his word came alive. The following may be what the Lord is answering back to your questions:

He has made your mouth like a sharpened sword hidden until the appropriate time to display His splendor. When you feel you’ve labored in vain, still your reward is with your God. When you feel despised and that you’ve missed it, God says He formed you and you are honored in His sight. God recites the large role He still plans for you. He relates how He was also despised but that one day former oppressors would bow to you because of Him, who has chosen you and is faithful. He even plans to make you an example and promise to others as they wait for God’s timing. Restoration is promised with every need met.

The last word is my favorite. I will turn all my mountains into roads and my highways will be raised up. Hmm… so it sounds like these mountains were allowed by Him?

He’s going to use everything you’re going through. Nothing will be wasted. God claims these mountains and obstacles as His own orchestration to transform a path of freedom for others.

What are you struggling with today? Do you have failed expectations? Are you looking at others good fortune and puzzled about your own?

God’s word is alive and will answer every question you are struggling with. Ask Him. There are countless examples of the Patriarchs who continued in faith despite their limitations of age, barrenness, or length of waiting for His promises.

God is making a way through the desert and mountains with your testimony. The righteous will live by faith and if he shrinks back, God will not be pleased with him.






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